
Rice bubble Christmas trees

We made rice bubble Christmas trees.

"I like mixing the rice bubbles" said Ckylar-Bleu.

"I like stirring the melted butter and honey" said PJ.

"Delicious" said Caleb.

"The best food in my life" said Mele.

"It's super super nice like weetabix" said Chris.

"I like the green cereal bubbles" said Pele.


Xmas goodie bags

This is Mrs Dayal's daughter and cat making xmas goodie bags for room 23.
Merry xmas!!

Look at today's visitors

To finish our firewise unit, we had a visit from some firefighters! We got to see their suit (Miss Bennett tried it on!), see their truck and all the hoses and even spray some water using the small hose!! So much exciting fun.