Welcome to BMPS Kiwi 2 blog. We are a year 1 / 2 class at Bairds Mainfreight Primary School in Otara Auckland. Enjoy your visit!
It's Scary!
Can you write a story about this picture?
Here are some words you could use - scary, haunted, ghost, dark
Neighborhood Search
Go for a walk with your grown up. Try to find these things! Happy hunting.
Week 1 Fun Stuff
Have some Fun!
Help mum or dad in the kitchen.
Text or email me about what you made. Send some pics if you can!
Have a picnic in the backyard.
Invite your favourite toys.
Ice cube melting race.
Who will be the champion?
What makes it melt faster/slower?
Week 1 Inquiry
Inquiry - Bucket Filling
Watch this story
Talk to an adult about things that are bucket filling and things that are bucket dipping
Here is a list to help you
Do 3 nice things today, write about what you did on Google classroom
Week 1 P.E
Go Outside and do …
10 star jumps
10 hops on your left leg
10 hops on your right leg
10 arm circles
10 frog jumps
Repeat 3 times
Week 1 Writing
Writing Activities
Write a story in your book about this picture
Learn to draw a turtle
Week 1 Reading
Reading Activities
Watch and sing
Watch the Prime Minister reading Hairy Maclary
Week 1 Phonics
Phonics Activities
Choose the letters in your name to watch on Starfall
Sing the alphabet
Phonics Song 2 |
Masei is ready for term 2!
Here he is doing his learning and some fitness! Growing his brains and his muscles!
Way to go Masei!
Term 2
Hey Kiwi 2, the holidays are over and it is officially Term 2 now!
I hope you had a fun holiday and yummy Easter.
Learning will be very different for a little while - we're not in our class (sad) and I can't see your smiling faces.
Please log into Google classroom if you can because there will be lots of learning activities on there.
I will also post a few things on here.
Be safe in your bubble!
I hope you had a fun holiday and yummy Easter.
Learning will be very different for a little while - we're not in our class (sad) and I can't see your smiling faces.
Please log into Google classroom if you can because there will be lots of learning activities on there.
I will also post a few things on here.
Be safe in your bubble!
Easter Activities
Almost Easter!!
Here are some activities for you to try at home and then scroll down to learn how to draw an Easter egg, listen to an Easter song and listen to an Easter story.

Draw an Easter egg

10 Little Bunnies Easter Song

If I Were An Easter Bunny
Here are some activities for you to try at home and then scroll down to learn how to draw an Easter egg, listen to an Easter song and listen to an Easter story.
Try making some frozen eggs
using things from in the garden!
using things from in the garden!
Look at the Easter egg below made with things found outside.
Can you try making one like this, using sticks and stones and leaves and other things you find?
Draw an Easter egg

10 Little Bunnies Easter Song

If I Were An Easter Bunny
I finished my puzzle!
Look Kiwi 2, Mrs Dayal does puzzles too.
This one had 1000 pieces.
I grew my brain by doing something challenging!
This one had 1000 pieces.
I grew my brain by doing something challenging!
Chayton's been baking
Today I am so happy because I received a picture from Chayton!
Thank you Chayton, I love seeing your big smile.
Take a look at Chayton’s Photo
What is he baking?
How many biscuits can you count?
What ingredients do you think he used?
What are some things you have baked?
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