

Anelusa made the letter e using laces

welcome back!

We're back at school after lockdown #2! 


Lockdown #2

 Kia Ora Kiwi 2

Here we are in our bubbles again!
I’ve missed seeing you and I know that you have missed being at school too!
You should have your book bags in your bag with your homework book - you can learn your letters, do some counting or practice your words! Also here are some fun ideas and websites for you to enjoy over the next few days. www.starfall.com www.topmarks.co.uk www.ictgames.com www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zjxhfg8 www.gonoodle.com Take care of yourself and your whanau and I will be in touch soon. Stay home. Stay safe. Be kind. Keep smiling Mrs Dayal 😊