We made play dough.
We mixed it, we smelled, we sniffed it.
We rolled it, we pat it, we squashed it, we squished it.
We stretched it, we poked it, we cut it.
We made balls, we made pancakes.
We made worms, we made snails.
We had so much fun, we didn't want to stop!

"It's hot!"
"It's yellow"
"Smells like cookies"
"Can we eat it?"

"Play dough feels soft"
"I like making play dough"
"I do baking with my mum"
"I made a worm!"
"I made a snail!"

"look at mine"

"how do you make a ball?"
"I made pizza"
"I made cookies"
"I made glasses"
So much fun!
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